Wednesday 16 November 2011

Webcraft 101

Hello World!

My attempts to become more fluent in html continue.....

This time, though, I'm going to try the benefits of open learning with the P2PU School of Webcraft.

And this is the first Challenge - Introduce Yourself!

OK, then. I was first introduced to a Computer way back. It occupied a complete suite of rooms, could only be accessed by punched card or tape and was bilingual - Algol or Fortran. My final year project was the first in many failures to communicate properly with the Binary Beast. I never did get my stick man to bounce his ball on the ground. It still grieves me!

Some time later, the Sinclair ZX80 entered my life, the first of many Personal Computers, and I could say "Hello World" with the rest of the family. But life leads you to other things. I didn't make the time to learn programming skills then but now I can take advantage of the wonderful opportunities on the Internet to have another go.

My goal is a website for Family interaction and a placeholder for personal interests and information.

I have taken some hesitant steps already but I respond best to goals and challenges and the School of Webcraft seems like a good fit.

How exciting!


  1. Sounds like a great start. Hope to see more of your work soon!

  2. That's a great goal, and I love the ZX80 reference. I grew up in Germany and we had an Alphatronic PC at my house - it ran the CP/M operating system. I don't know how popular it was in other countries.

    I also remember distinctly that it had a amber colored display (not the standard green) which I thought was super cool.

  3. Thanks, Philipp, I remember an amber screen too. May have been a Sharp MZ80?

    I had to do a great deal of mental editing to limit myself as I went down memory lane. There were so many great personal computers that were fun to use. I wish I'd learn't more of the programming as I went along, though - it's a really steep learning curve now!
